Low temperature evaporator

Concentration through evaporation technology is widely used in the food industry to treat heat sensitive products.

Vacuum concentration for gentle heat treatment and high product quality
Low temperature evaporators evaporate, under vacuum conditions, pure distilled water or alcohol at low temperatures (+18/24°C), leaving intact the organoleptic characteristics of the processed product and the balance between the various substances in solution.
Applications are endless: fruit juices/must, fruit nectars, herbal distillates, honey, beer, wine, spirits, milk and by-products, seaweed extracts, vegetable extracts, yeasts and ferments and many mores.
The system controls and regulates automatically the correct temperature of the product (+18/24°C) so to get the best evaporation performances. This solution allows a considerable reduction of investment costs because evaporation occurs in a single effect. It also allows a soft concentration of the product, an optimum separation of the water and allows to reach high degrees of concentration with a very low energy consumption.

Whey concentration: membrane concentration or evaporation technology?
Compared to membrane filtration, this technology has the following advantages:
– It requires a less controlled and accurate pre‐treatment of the whey.
– It reaches higher concentration level with lower costs of the system and energy consumptions.
– It has a lower maintenance (no need for periodic exchange of membranes).
– It needs easier and cheaper chemical cleaning (CIP)
On the other hand, the low temperature evaporation has:
– Reduced investment costs, both for the installation and for the auxiliaries’ services.
– Possibility to make a product fractionation (the NF removes part of the salts, with the UF is possible to separate the lactose by getting a concentrate of whey proteins).
– The fractionation allows to obtain differentiated products and to follow market trends.

Juice concentration: no thermal damage and no need for preliminary treatments
The juices/purees do not suffer thermal damage due to low concentration temperatures, low heating water temperature and short permanence time of the product in the concentrator, thus preserving freshness and flavors.
No preliminary treatments are necessary before feeding the concentrator; Incoming fresh product must be free of particles or fibres. A steel mesh filter before the inlet is enough in case the product has peels, seeds, fibres or any other solids.

at 20°/24°C
no products
changes nor damages
up to 60°/67° Brix
24/7 automatic