Aseptic Tank

The aseptic tank is suitable to keep the product under total sterility conditions while waiting to be filled with one or more aseptic fillers.
Modern aseptic buffer tanks are the best way to store and preserve general liquid food thanks to their safety characteristics, hygiene and durability.

Aseptic storage for safe and high-quality products
The REDA aseptic tank is designed according to the strictest safety and security standards. The air/sterile inactive gas preparation group and a pneumatic valves cluster keeps the aseptic chain unbroken without compromises.
They are suitable for fluid or dense products, also with particles or filaments in suspension, and they an be integrated with special agitators (with aseptic barriers) guaranteeing in this way the homogeneity of the product in the tank even after a long-term storage.
What goes out from REDA’s aseptic storage to your filling machine has precisely the same quality, flavour, nutrition and asepticity as what came into the tank from your UHT treatment.
Agitator available as option.
Capacity: up to 40 m3

Different solution:

Direct UHT-Flexy
Direct steam heating system with special flash cooler in the aseptic phase. Designed for the production of high-density products: whipped cream, coffee cream, cooking cream, pastry cream, butter cream, besciamella, single cream, creme flambè, crème fraiche etc

Traditional indirect steam injection system. Widely used in the cow milk, smoothies and plant-based drinks treatment.

This system combines the direct steam injection with indirect heating to obtain the highest quality results in the finished product: taste, color, flavour and odour are closed to that of pasteurized products.

Raw milk is clarified, standardized, deareated, homogenized and sterilized in just one step, ready for the aseptic filling. This system guarantees high efficiency, outstanding product quality while reducing times, energy and production costs.
reduced product


Aseptic tank can also be used for: